Migraines? We can help!

Migraines are a neurological disorder that is characterized by reoccurring episodes of headaches and other associated symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light. In some patients, symptoms may also include visual, speech, and auditory disturbances that occur.

The Botox injections will block the chemical signals from the nerves to the muscles which cause them to contract. This prevents activation of pain networks in the brain.

These injections are recommended for patients who experience frequent migraines. There is no evidence that it will help other kinds of headaches, but it has been shown to reduce frequency in a migraine suffers who previously reported having 15 or more a month.



Most people will see results for three months. The FDA has approved 5 treatments over a 15-month period. Clinical trials suggest that eventually the injections can be discontinued without the chronic migraines coming back.

Most patients of Dr. Elliott see significant improvements immediately while some patients take up to two weeks to see results after the first set of injections.

For Migraine treatments with injections, there is no downtime from the injections or treatment. Most patients return to normal activity, migraine permitting, immediately.

Will my insurance cover injections for the treatment of my migraines or pain?

The FDA has approved the use of injections for prevention of chronic migraines and pain. It is likely that your insurance company will cover the procedure if you meet the profile of someone who may be assisted by the procedure.

Our Approach to treating TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction)

Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome (TMJ) is a common condition affecting a wide variety of people. TMJ is characterized by severe headaches, jaw pain of varying degrees, grinding teeth, and an intermittent ringing in the ears.

The vast majority of TMJ sufferers are unaware that the root cause of these problems is something that Dr. Elliott can effectively treat.

Symptoms of TMJ

The symptoms of TMJ are debilitating and can greatly interfere with your everyday life.

The comfort and general well being of people are at the heart of Dr. Elliott's beliefs and core values. Pain relief is his first consideration with patients. Dr. Elliott is able to test, diagnose, and devise an immediate plan to treat the underlying causes of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorder.

Reasons for treating TMJ

TMJ sufferers report that their symptoms generally worsen during periods of prolonged or unexpected stress and that intense outbreaks of the condition can lead to neck pain and dizziness.

Bruxism is one of the most common causes of TMJ. The grinding teeth symptom is particularly common and usually occurs at night. The grinding will eventually erode the structure of the teeth and lead to much more severe dental problems in the future.

It is important for anyone experiencing the symptoms of TMJ to schedule an appointment with Dr. Elliott for an exact diagnosis.

How do you treat TMJ?

TMJ could be a result of several different problems. Bruxism is the most common, but an injury resulting from a blow to the meniscus cartilage is also a possibility.

Initially, Dr. Elliott will thoroughly examine the jaw area, the patient’s bite, x-rays, and review the patient’s history in order to make an accurate diagnosis and recommend necessary treatment.

Once Dr. Elliott can make a firm diagnosis, there are several ways in which relief can be provided. A specially molded bite guard can be created to stop teeth grinding during the night. A bite relationship analysis may be recommended by Dr. Elliott. He may also provide advice on relaxation techniques which will lessen the effects of stress.

As a last alternative, the dentist is also able to prescribe muscle relaxants.

If you are experiencing any symptoms of TMJ, we encourage you to contact our office today at 859-371-4620 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Elliott.